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您的位置:首頁  -  產(chǎn)品中心  -  HPLC色譜柱  -  Dionex/戴安  -  051791Dionex戴安-保護柱 IonPac AG9-HC Guard Column (4 x 50 mm

Dionex戴安-保護柱 IonPac AG9-HC Guard Column (4 x 50 mm

  • 產(chǎn)品型號:051791
  • 更新時間:2017-03-22

簡要描述:Dionex戴安-保護柱 IonPac AG9-HC Guard Column (4 x 50 mm),The IonPac AS9-HC 是一款碳酸鹽體系高容量色譜柱,用于無機陰離子和鹵氧離子的分析,該柱能用于飲用水中痕量溴酸鹽檢測。色譜柱性能符合U.S.EPA方法300.1和317要求。


High-Capacity Column for the Analysis of Inorganic Anions and Oxyhalides Including Bromate Specifically designed for trace bromate in drinking water, the IonPac® AS9-HC is the specified column for U.S EPA Methods 300.1 and 317.0. For the analysis of oxyhalides and inorganic anions in complex sample matrices Simple, isocratic method for trace bromate (5 μg/L) in ozonated drinking water matrices Ideal for difficult applications, such as trace nitrite in complex sample matrices Improved separation of bromate/chloride, chloride/nitrite, chlorate/nitrate analyte pairs The IonPac AS9-HC is a high-capacity carbonate eluent anion-exchange column with selectivity similar to the IonPacAS9-SC column. The IonPac AS9-HC also supports the analysis of oxyhalides and inorganic anions, including fluoride, chlorite, bromate, chloride, nitrite, bromide, chlorate, nitrate, phosphate, and sulfate. The IonPac AS9-HC is specified in validated methods such as US EPA Method 300.1 and 317.0 and meets or exceeds the performance requirements of these methods. This column separates trace bromate in drinking water matrices using an isocratic carbonate eluent and a large-loop injection. The IonPac AS9-HC also offers good retention of fluoride out of the water dip. The column’s high capacity (190 μeq for 4 × 250 mm) increases retention time to approximay 22 min. Use the Anion Self-Regenerating Suppressor (ASRS® 300) with the IonPac AS9-HC column.



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