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您的位置:首頁  -  產品中心  -  HPLC色譜柱  -  Dionex/戴安  -  057090Dionex戴安-固相萃取產品OnGuard II Ag Cartridges, 2.5 cc, P

Dionex戴安-固相萃取產品OnGuard II Ag Cartridges, 2.5 cc, P

  • 產品型號:057090
  • 更新時間:2017-03-22

簡要描述:Dionex戴安-固相萃取產品OnGuard II Ag Cartridges, 2.5 cc, Pkg of 48,The OnGuard® II 柱設計用來消除基質的干擾,如酚醛塑料,金屬離子,陽離子,陰離子,或在離子色譜應用中存在的疏水性物質 。


Remove Matrix Interferences for Better Performance in Many IC Applications The OnGuard II Cartridges remove matrix interferences such as phenolics, metals, cations, anions, or hydrophobic substances encountered in many ion chromatography applications. These cartridges have wide pH stability and allow low level ion analysis.Cartridges are available in 1 cc and 2.5 cc high-capacity formats. Solve Tough Applications Problems Facilitate better separations Increase lifetimes of analytical columns Solve major matrix problems Achieve reproducible trace-level determinations in concentrated matrices Optimized Design and Manufacture The OnGuard II hardware is designed with Luer inlets for easy and secure connections. The cartridge design eliminates leaks and channeling. The unique sample distribution frit maximizes complete resin bed usage. The cartridge hardware is optimized for the best possible performance in matrix removal or concentration applications. Guaranteed Performance All OnGuard II products are shipped with a Certificate of Analysis verifying product capacity, performance, and cleanliness. Convenient and Easy to Use Samples are easy to process. Samples can be passed through the cleanup cartridge directly into the LC injector valve loop using a Luer-style syringe. Alternatively, samples can be processed in parallel using the OnGuard Sample Prep Station. Versatile Selection of Resins OnGuard II A OnGuard II Ag OnGuard II Ba OnGuard II H OnGuard II Na OnGuard II M OnGuard II P OnGuard II RP OnGuard II Ag/H OnGuard II II Ba/Ag/H The OnGuard II family of sample pretreatment cartridges is available in a wide range of packings and in two sizes(1-cc and 2.5-cc) to fit your sample pretreatment needs. In addition, resins are available in the Auto OnGuard™ syringe barrel format for robotic processing as custom order products. The Summary tab contains a table summarizing the OnGuard products and their typical applications. Cartridges can be used singly or in series depending on the matrix interferences to be removed. The OnGuard Ba, OnGuard Ag, and OnGuard H cartridges can be used in series to remove sulfate, chloride, and carbonate from a water sample prior to trace-level determination of bromate.



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